I love to read signs. Blowing by them down the highway, all 500 of them in our county on our two lane-er that remind you to drive safe, drive SAFELY and DRIVE SAFELY (I WILL! But I might do better if there weren't so many signs to distract me...sheesh!), and especially the ones that rotate.
I used to notice signs that said "Just Do It", "Dream Big", "Reach for the Stars", "Never Settle", "All good things come to those who don't eat, sleep or dream of anything besides working and being motivated to do it ALL!"
Okay, just kidding on the last one...a little.

Now I see signs that say "Be Content" and "Gratitude Turns what we have into Enough". They are great signs, and I am encouraged by them, but I wonder...
Is this a "sign" of the times or the life stage that I am in?
Is this a signal of continued recession even though the media and everyone driving it wants us to think that the recession is over (and go spend your galdang money!), or is this a sign of the life stage that I am in (tight budget, looking for work stay at home mama)?
Is this just me? What do you think? Have you noticed it?
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