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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When the Choices Get Tough!

Whether your Easter weekend is dedicated to the Lamb or the chocolate bunny, one thing is likely to bind us all together: candy. In honor of the Easter Basket tradition, the following list will equip you with tools to make healthy choices through out the weekend.


Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans
Serving Size: 30 pieces, Caloires: 140, Fat: 0 grams

Serving Size: ½ Cup, Calories: 49, 0 grams of fat

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Minitures
Serving size: 5 pieces, Calories: 220, Fat: 13 grams
Whoppers Robin Eggs Malted Milk Candy
Serving Size: 8 pieces, Calories: 180, Fat: 6 grams

Don’t forget, most serving sizes are for adults.

Remember, being healthy isn’t just about knowing, it’s about doing, too. So, whole heartedly enjoy the treats you decide to eat. Just make sure to balance it out with the rest of your day (green bean casserole, dinner rolls, roasted lamb or hamb, etc), and work out hard for the rest of the week if you need to. Happy Easter!


Kayla said...

Wow! This list really puts things into perspective! Knowing I can never stop at that piddly serving size makes me not even want to get started! I think I'll steer clear this Easter...if that's even possible!

Deandra said...

strawberries then jelly beans-now how will i convince my kids??